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Thursday, September 3, 2020
What can we learn from change strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What would we be able to gain from change systems - Essay Example will examine how the program of progress influences the structure of the association showing quickly the association structure preceding change and the consequences of the change programs. The paper will likewise talk about the effects of progress on the staff and frameworks comparable to inspiration and commitment of staff and the new manner by which they need to work following the change. Slope and Jones (2007) noticed that the program of progress has positive effect on the structure of the association as the progressions are intended to improve methods of accomplishing the objectives and destinations of the Companies. Vital changes happened in Asda Superstore so as to manage new items in the market, expanded rivalry, new government guidelines, changing the workforce and innovative improvements subsequently the business was guaranteed of progress. Before the change the association structure of Asda Superstore was straightforward since they had less representatives and directors and henceforth maintaining the business was simpler. Changes must be considered in light of the fact that the grocery store was battling to expand deals and change in shopper propensities that were driven by the expansion in web based shopping and low livelihoods among clients made it hard to succeed. Change programs were started after the interest of the items in Asda superstore expanded and subsequently there was have to change methodologies with the goal that they can address the issues of the clients. Jansson (2008) expressed that the hierarchical structure for Asda superstore was refined, their accountabilities clear, duplication expelled and dynamic made quick and conveyed straightforwardly. The vital changes in Asda superstore positively affected the staff and frameworks, as they were urged to add to the accomplishment of the association by being allowed to share their thoughts and being engaged with the dynamic procedures (Samson and Bevington, 2012). After the vital changes, some staff individuals were roused by being
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Conflicts of Sects, Cults and Religious Movements
How does the media impact our self-perception? In what structures, does the media impact our recognitions about our body? These were simply the two inquiries that I posed so as to do the exploration paper and the board conversation. As I would like to think, I would concur that the media does impact and elevate ladies and men to accept that the culture’s norms for self-perception are perfect. Subsequently, the expressions, â€Å"thin is in†and â€Å"the impeccable body†are two instances of â€Å"eye-catching†features that I saw in numerous ladies magazines. I discovered that the media impacts us through TV, design and wellbeing magazines, music recordings, film, plugs, and different commercials. Tragically, therefore, this rehashed introduction, the â€Å"thin†perfect, can lead numerous little youngsters in activating dietary issues, gloom, low confidence, stress, and self destruction. In the wake of procuring this pertinent data, I chose to con centrate my exploration on what sort of media impacts grade younger students and the pre-adult adolescent. The three focal sorts of media that I found that did in fact impact self-perception are: Fashion magazines, well known top-models and on-screen characters, and high school or youthful grown-up ladies in the music business. As indicated by the Seretean Center for Health Promotion, †the term, â€Å"body image†has been authored to portray a person’s inward feeling of fulfillment or disappointment with the physical appearance of her/his body.†(From The Wellness Column, April 1, 1996.) In my examination, I found that numerous little youngsters are disappointed with their bodies and numerous â€Å"strive†to resemble the â€Å"waif-thin†models or on-screen characters one sees on TV or in design magazines. There was a ton of data and realities on body and picture that I found on the Internet. Notwithstanding, one site, Just Think Foundation, upheld my conviction that the media, magazines specifically, do surely impact little youngsters to be â€Å"thin†so as to be famous and lovely in our general public. For instance, I was in frightened to discover that â€Å"eighty percent of 10-year-old American young ladies diet; in excess of 5,000,000 Americans experie nce the ill effects of dietary problems and 90% of those are immature and youthful grown-up ladies; the main enchantment wish for little youngsters age 11-17 is to be more slender; and among basic and secondary school, the level of young ladies in the U.S. who are â€Å"happy with the way I am†drops from 60% to 29%.†(from Just Think Foundation) These realities wereâ from the JTF’s Body Image Project aggregated by Jean Holzgang that is a mindfulness crusade on self-perception. In design magazines, numerous little youngsters see â€Å"waif-thin†models like Kate Moss who is one of many top models that unfortunately speaks to the â€Å"perfect†self-perception that young ladies are endeavoring towards. Lamentably, numerous high schooler young ladies don't comprehend that looking precisely like their preferred supermodel is unreasonable. Truth be told, concerning the supermodel photographs, many are modified before they are printed out, the â€Å"fashion clothes†are frequently channel taped to improve fit, numerous imperfections are secured or adjusted, there is at any rate two inches expelled from the thighs, and the normal style model gauges 23-25% not exactly the normal lady. This so as to make that â€Å"ideal†or â€Å"perfect†self-perception everybody is taking a stab at and tr agically biting the dust for. This impulse to be â€Å"thin†has driven numerous little youngsters to have a negative self-perception that hazardously makes ready to dietary issues, for example, Anorexia and Bulimia, with the goal for them to accomplish their longing for slimness. In TV and films, numerous high schooler young ladies watch and watch these on-screen characters, for example, Calista Flockhart, Courtney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Gweneth Paltrow, Lara Flynn Boyle, and numerous other people who have appeared to have went from a â€Å"average†weight to a â€Å"sickly, demise look†. This is by all accounts setting a risky pattern for the American culture, especially ladies and little youngsters. Truth be told, there are unlimited pictures of dainty ladies on TV, in motion pictures, in ladies and men’s magazines and in plugs. For example, these â€Å"Hollywood job models†do greatly affect youthful watchers and numerous guardians are extremely stressed that their girls are attempting to copy their preferred stars. As indicated by Adrienne Ressler, self-perception expert at the Renfrew Center in Coconut Creek, Fla., â€Å"For young people, the perfect for the individual they need to be the point at which they grow up is either a famous actor, TV entertainer or supermodel, and the accentuation is particularly on outer appearance. Our patients would kick the bucket and for all intents and purposes never really like Calista Flockhart.†( People, 10-18-99) In the music business, the most well known media impact is the music video and the kinds of design slants the entertainer shows in front of an audience. The most mainstream youthful grown-up entertainer is high schooler sensation Britney Spears. This really, youngster is just 17 years of age and as of now has hugy affected the adolescent young ladies. For instance, as of late, Miss Spears was on the front of Rolling Stone magazine and she worked up contention when it seemed to resemble the artist hadâ breast improvements or just, bosom in serts. (In all decency, I didn't get an opportunity to see that front of Rolling Stone.) Miss Spears has denied the bosom embed charge and is cited as saying; â€Å"her mother would murder her on the off chance that she had such an operation.†In any case, I read that numerous fans accept that she looks unique in relation to her first video, Baby One More Time, with her most recent, Sometimes, in that her bosoms do seem as though they were precisely upgraded. This talk has a lot of guardians stressed that their own little girls should imitate the adolescent pop icon since she is advancing the â€Å"ideal image†of a little youngsters body. Another case of a â€Å"music video†picture is Victoria Beckham (Posh Spice) of the notable Spice Girls. She was viewed as a â€Å"head-turner†in light of her shapely great looks and creator garments. Thus, realize one would have thought of her as over-weight or excessively thrilling, yet at an ongoing Fashion party, numerous spectators were dazed to see â€Å"Beckham’s sticking ribs and collarbones†that kindred visitors answered, â€Å"She certainly looks like she’s had an emotional weight loss.†(People, 10-18-99) These two models in addition to the many others I have perused my examination, have permitted me to reach the resolution that, a large number of Hollywood’s most striking on-screen characters and entertainers have become accomplices in the â€Å"thin is in†look in this industry. As I would like to think, this is extremely upsetting and exceptionally hazardous for some little youngsters who admire these ladies as â€Å"Role all in all, I trust that T.V., magazines, music recordings, plugs, retail locations and different mediums understand that there are ladies of every single distinctive shape and sizes, there is a higher level of ladies that are normally a normal size of 12 and there is proof that a lesser level of ladies who are a size 2 to 4. Lamentably, it is the size 2 to 4 ladies who are being perceived as the â€Å"ideal†self-perception in our general public. Besides, I would prefer to have more ladies like Kate Winslet, Rosie O’Donnell, Emme, and numerous other â€Å"average†ladies on the fronts of well known magazines and in TV. These are the â€Å"true job models†for me, the ones who elevate solid approaches to get thinner, elevate sound approaches to such as yourself for what your identity is, and not advance the unf ortunate â€Å"body image†that engages our psyche
Friday, August 21, 2020
Angels Demons Chapter 98-101
98 The six pompieri fire fighters who reacted to the fire at the Church of Santa Maria Della Vittoria doused the campfire with impacts of Halon gas. Water was less expensive, however the steam it made would have demolished the frescoes in the house of prayer, and the Vatican paid Roman pompieri a sound allowance for quick and reasonable help in all Vatican-possessed structures. Pompieri, by the idea of their work, saw disaster practically day by day, yet the execution in this congregation was something none of them could ever overlook. Part torturous killing, part hanging, part consuming at the stake, the scene was something dug from a Gothic bad dream. Lamentably, the press, not surprisingly, had shown up before the local group of fire-fighters. They'd shot a lot of video before the pompieri cleared the congregation. When the fire fighters at last chop the casualty down and lay him on the floor, there was no uncertainty who the man was. â€Å"Cardinale Guidera,†one murmured. â€Å"Di Barcellona.†The casualty was bare. The lower half of his body was dark red dark, blood overflowing through expanding breaks in his thighs. His shinbones were uncovered. One fire fighter regurgitated. Another went outside to relax. The genuine frightfulness, however, was the image burned on the cardinal's chest. The crew boss circumnavigated the cadaver in awestruck fear. Lavoro del diavolo, he said to himself. Satan himself did this. He crossed himself just because since adolescence. â€Å"Un' altro corpo!†somebody shouted. One of the fire fighters had discovered another body. The subsequent casualty was a man the boss perceived right away. The grim authority of the Swiss Guard was a man for whom barely any open law authorization authorities had any warmth. The boss called the Vatican, however all the circuits were occupied. He realized it didn't make a difference. The Swiss Guard would catch wind of this on TV very quickly. As the boss overviewed the harm, attempting to reproduce what could have gone on here, he saw a specialty filled with slug openings. A final resting place had been moved off its backings and fallen topsy turvy in an evident battle. It was a wreck. That is for the police and Holy See to manage, the main idea, dismissing. As he turned, however, he halted. Originating from the casket he heard a sound. It was anything but a sound any fire fighter at any point got a kick out of the chance to hear. â€Å"Bomba!†he shouted out. â€Å"Tutti fuori!†At the point when the bomb crew turned the final resting place over, they found the wellspring of the electronic blaring. They gazed, befuddled. â€Å"Medico!†one at long last shouted. â€Å"Medico!†99 â€Å"Any word from Olivetti?†the camerlegno asked, looking depleted as Rocher accompanied him again from the Sistine Chapel to the Pope's office. â€Å"No, signore. I am dreading the worst.†At the point when they arrived at the Pope's office, the camerlegno's voice was overwhelming. â€Å"Captain, there is nothing more I can do here today around evening time. I dread I have done a lot of as of now. I am going into this office to implore. I don't wish to be upset. The rest is in God's hands.†â€Å"Yes, signore.†â€Å"The hour is late, Captain. Find that canister.†â€Å"Our search continues.†Rocher dithered. â€Å"The weapon ends up being too well hidden.†The camerlegno recoiled, as though he was unable to consider it. â€Å"Yes. At precisely 11:15 P.M., if the congregation is still in hazard, I need you to empty the cardinals. I am placing their wellbeing in your grasp. I ask just a single thing. Let these men continue from this spot with nobility. Let them exit into St. Diminish's Square and stand next to each other with the remainder of the world. I don't need the last picture of this congregation to be terrified elderly people men escaping a back door.†â€Å"Very great, signore. Furthermore, you? Will I want you at 11:15 as well?†â€Å"There will be no need.†â€Å"Signore?†â€Å"I will leave when the soul moves me.†Rocher thought about whether the camerlegno proposed to go down with the boat. The camerlegno made the way for the Pope's office and entered. â€Å"Actually†¦Ã¢â‚¬ he stated, turning. â€Å"There is one thing.†â€Å"Signore?†â€Å"There is by all accounts a chill in this office today around evening time. I am trembling.†â€Å"The electric warmth is out. Let me lay you a fire.†The camerlegno grinned tiredly. â€Å"Thank you. Much thanks to you, very much.†Rocher left the Pope's office where he had left the camerlegno imploring by firelight before a little sculpture of the Blessed Mother Mary. It was a ghostly sight. A dark shadow bowing in the gleaming shine. As Rocher headed a few doors down, a gatekeeper showed up, running toward him. Indeed, even by candlelight Rocher perceived Lieutenant Chartrand. Youthful, green, and enthusiastic. â€Å"Captain,†Chartrand called, holding out a phone. â€Å"I figure the camerlegno's location may have worked. We have a guest here who says he has data that can support us. He called on one of the Vatican's private augmentations. I have no clue how he got the number.†Rocher halted. â€Å"What?†â€Å"He will just address the positioning officer.†â€Å"Any word from Olivetti?†â€Å"No, sir.†He took the recipient. â€Å"This is Captain Rocher. I am positioning official here.†â€Å"Rocher,†the voice said. â€Å"I will disclose to you who I am. At that point I will mention to you what you will do next.†At the point when the guest quit talking and hung up, Rocher stood staggered. He presently knew from whom he was taking requests. Back at CERN, Sylvie Baudeloque was quickly attempting to monitor all the authorizing requests coming in on Kohler's voice message. At the point when the private line on the chief's work area started to ring, Sylvie hopped. No one had that number. She replied. â€Å"Yes?†â€Å"Ms. Baudeloque? This is Director Kohler. Contact my pilot. My stream is to be prepared in five minutes.†100 Robert Langdon had no clue where he was or to what extent he had been oblivious when he opened his eyes and wound up gazing up at the underside of a florid, frescoed dome. Smoke floated overhead. Something was covering his mouth. A breathing device. He pulled it off. There was an awful smell in the room †like consuming substance. Langdon recoiled at the beating in his mind. He attempted to sit up. A man dressed in white was stooping close to him. â€Å"Riposati!†the man stated, moving Langdon onto his back once more. â€Å"Sono il paramedico.†Langdon surrendered, his head spiraling like the smoke overhead. What the heck occurred? Wispy sentiments of frenzy filtered through his brain. â€Å"Sorcio salvatore,†the paramedic said. â€Å"Mouse†¦ savior.†Langdon felt considerably increasingly lost. Mouse guardian angel? The man motioned to the Mickey Mouse watch on Langdon's wrist. Langdon's considerations started to clear. He set the alert. As he gazed absently at the watch face, Langdon additionally noticed the hour. 10:28 P.M. He sat straight as an arrow. At that point, everything returned. Langdon remained close to the principle special raised area with the fire boss and a couple of his men. They had been shaking him with questions. Langdon wasn't tuning in. He had inquiries of his own. His entire body hurt, however he realized he expected to act right away. A pompiero drew nearer Langdon over the congregation. â€Å"I checked once more, sir. The main bodies we discovered are Cardinal Guidera and the Swiss Guard officer. There's no indication of a lady here.†â€Å"Grazie,†Langdon stated, uncertain whether he was diminished or sickened. He realized he had seen Vittoria oblivious on the floor. Presently she was no more. The main clarification he thought of was not a soothing one. The executioner had not been unpretentious on the telephone. A lady of soul. I am stimulated. Maybe before this night is finished, I will discover you. Also, when I do†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Langdon glanced around. â€Å"Where is the Swiss Guard?†â€Å"Still no contact. Vatican lines are jammed.†Langdon felt overpowered and alone. Olivetti was dead. The cardinal was dead. Vittoria was missing. A half hour of his life had vanished in a matter of seconds. Outside, Langdon could hear the press amassing. He associated film with the third cardinal's awful passing would no uncertainty air soon, on the off chance that it hadn't as of now. Langdon trusted the camerlegno had since a long time ago expected the most exceedingly terrible and made a move. Empty the damn Vatican! Enough games! We lose! Langdon abruptly understood that the entirety of the impetuses that had been driving him †assisting with sparing Vatican City, safeguarding the four cardinals, encountering the fraternity he had read for quite a long time †these things had dissipated from his brain. The war was lost. Another impulse encapsulated touched off. It was basic. Obvious. Base. Discover Vittoria. He felt a sudden void inside. Langdon had regularly heard that serious circumstances could join two individuals in manners that decades together frequently didn't. He presently trusted it. In Vittoria's nonattendance he felt something he had not felt in years. Dejection. The torment invigorated him. Pushing all else from his psyche, Langdon assembled his fixation. He asked that the Hassassin would do what needs to be done before joy. Something else, Langdon realized he was at that point past the point of no return. No, he let himself know, you have time. Vittoria's captor despite everything had work to do. He needed to surface one final time before vanishing for eternity. The last special stepped area of science, Langdon thought. The executioner had one last errand. Earth. Air. Fire. Water. He checked the time. Thirty minutes. Langdon moved past the fire fighters toward Bernini's Ecstasy of St. Teresa. This time, as he gazed at Bernini's marker, Langdon had presumably what he was searching for. Let blessed messengers direct you on your grand quest†¦ Straightforwardly over the prostrate holy person, against a background of plated fire, drifted Bernini's blessed messenger. The blessed messenger's hand grasped a sharp lance of fire. Langdon's eyes followed the course of the pole, curving toward the correct side of the congregation. His eyes hit the stopping point. He filtered the spot where the lance was
Sunday, June 14, 2020
Pharmacists Code of Conduct - 1100 Words
Pharmacists' Code of Conduct (Essay Sample) Content: PHARMACISTS CODE OF CONDUCT NameCourseDate Background information There is a new trend that has been put in place in Australia. Pharmacists tend to avoid to adhering to the rules of medicine, poisons, and therapeutic goods Act of 2008 and its regulations. For example, some people have prescribed medicine to patients without chief health number (society, 2012). This is not allowed under legality of prescription of the medicine in the territory of Australian capital. This paper aims at addressing the issue. It outlines ways of dealing with the situation and techniques of preventing future incidences of the same nature.Introduction The law of the land in Australia is divided into many areas. Similarly, legislation on the drugs and medicine practices are divided on the basis of commonwealth and the states. The commonwealth laws are classified into schedules. There are various schedules, which are based on their effects to the public. They control both the production and distribution of the products (Chaar, et al., 2005). Focusing on the discussion, schedule eight provides rules and regulations on prescription of controlled medicine by practitioners (Australia, 2010). Under the same, it is important for the medical practitioners to prescribe medicine for a genuine therapeutic person affected. In this case, a valid approval number is essential in validating the scripts. Lack of approval number may result into the penalties on the side of pharmacists. According to Bessell Silagy (2002), the chief health officer has to approve the script for patients who have been either under the controlled drugs for a period of about 2 months or more. The same applies to patients who are considered to be drug dependant.Solutions for the issue Pharmacists that operate within the stipulations of code of conduct by ACT are exposed to the risk of severe punishment. Penalties apply to those who dont adhere to the guidelines on prescribing medicine to patients. It is obvious that prescribers have to prescribe the medicine with a number authorized by the chief health officer. To avoid any penalty, the pharmacist is supposed to comply with the rules and regulations set by ACT. He or she has to give medicine that has a recognition number from the chief health officer (society, 2012 p. 200). The number is meant to validate the medicine. On the side of the patients, it will be important for one to confirm that the prescription is accompanied with a valid number from the chief officer. Though there are no penalties on the side of patients, use of such medicines may have an impact on their health (Australia, 2010). Secondly, the relevant authority may conduct several checklists in pharmacies to establish whether pharmacists serve the patients accordingly. These lists may provide data on how they dispense the medicine together with the CHO number assigned to each. The head of the pharmacy department has to review the records from time to time. This is a way of ensuring that all the regulations on issuance of medicine are adhered to by all in the field of public health. Use of questioners and frequent interviews may also help in keeping check on the performance of the pharmacists. Educating the public on the importance of taking medicine that is properly prescribed may be a solution to this matter under discussion. Once they discover the prescription that is required by the ACT, they may remind the prescribers in case they may give out medicine without the chief health officers number. Avoid Knowledge is an endless process. Therefore, it is necessary to re-train some of the health workers in pharmacists on how to prescribe medicine. Bessell Silagy argue that some of the medical practitioners forget the best way of prescribing medicine and drugs (2002). Therefore, fresh education on the same may restore the situation. They should be able to embrace to the art of prescribing without disputes. Similarly, some medications may require a different method of prescription. Such a situation may lead to demand of education on the same (Australia, 2010). To do away with the problem of delays, a patient may call the prescriber on phone to obtain the required number. This is the easiest way of getting the number. However, it is risky since lack of ones presence may result into fear of entrusted information. The second action that one may use to solve the matter is by visiting the visiting the nearest hospital to obtain the number from a chief health officer. Another alternative is to seek for help from any prescriber who may sign a declaration form for a period of less than two months (Leonhart, et al., 2010).Conclusion Medical prescription is an important aspect in the field of health care. It forms part of the treatment process. However, some prescribers have not at time adhered to the rules and regulations according to guidelines from ACT. This paper provides solutions to the problem and strategies of avoid ing such mistakes in the future. It is evident that in order to prevent such future incidences, prescriber education, public sensitization and pharmacists initiatives to do what is best are some of the measures of curbing the situation. In addition, most of the prescribers ought to be retrained on some important areas of their job. For example, quick reaction towards the needs of the patients is one of the issues to be handled to avoid delays in the future. Besides, there is the need to educate the prescribers on the essence of complying with the code of conduct in ACT dimensions (Health, 2003).BibliographyAustralia, P. G. o., 2010. Quality care pharmacy standards:quality management system for pharmacies in Australia. Sidney: SAL Global Ltd.Bessell, T. Silagy, C., 2002. Quality of glo...
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Syntax Definition and Examples
In linguistics, syntax refers to the rules that govern the ways in which words combine to form phrases, clauses, and sentences. The term syntax comes from the Greek, meaning arrange together. The term is also used to mean the study of the syntactic properties of a language. In computer contexts, the term refers to the proper ordering of symbols and codes so that the computer can understand what instructions are telling it to do. Syntax Syntax is the proper order of words in a phrase or sentence.Syntax is a tool used in writing proper grammatical sentences.Native speakers of a language learn correct syntax without realizing it.The complexity of a writers or speakers sentences creates a formal or informal level of diction that is presented to its audience. Hearing and Speaking Syntax Syntax is one of the major components of grammar. Its the concept that enables people to know how to start a question with a question word (What is that?), or that adjectives generally come before the nouns they describe (green chair), subjects often come before verbs in non-question sentences (She jogged), prepositional phrases start with prepositions (to the store), helping verbs come before main verbs (can go or will do), and so on. For native speakers, using correct syntax is something that comes naturally, as word order is learned as soon as an infant starts absorbing the language. Native speakers can tell something isnt said quite right because it sounds weird, even if they cant detail the exact grammar rule that makes something sound off to the ear. It is syntax that gives the words the power to relate to each other in a carry meaningâ€â€of whatever kindâ€â€as well as glow individually in just the right place(Burgess 1968) Syntactic Rules English parts of speech often follow ordering patterns in sentences and clauses, such as compound sentences are joined by conjunctions (and, but, or) or that multiple adjectives modifying the same noun follow a particular order according to their class (such as number-size-color, as in six small green chairs). The rules of how to order words help the language parts make sense. Sentences often start with a subject, followed by a predicate (or just a verb in the simplest sentences) and contain an object or a complement (or both), which shows, for example, whats being acted upon. Take the sentence Beth slowly ran the race in wild, multicolored flip-flops. The sentence follows a subject-verb-object pattern (Beth ran the race). Adverbs and adjectives take their places in front of what theyre modifying (slowly ran; wild, multicolored flip-flops). The object (the race) follows the verb ran, and the prepositional phrase (in wild, multicolored flip-flops) starts with the preposition in. Syntax vs. Diction and Formal vs. Informal Diction refers to the style of writing or speaking that someone uses, brought about by their choice of words, whereas syntax is the order in which theyre arranged in the spoken or written sentence. Something written using a very high level of diction, like a paper published in an academic journal or a lecture given in a college classroom, is written very formally. Speaking to friends or texting are informal, meaning they have a low level of diction. It is essential to understand that the differences exist not because spoken language is a degradation of written language but because any written language, whether English or Chinese, results from centuries of development and elaboration by a small number of users.Jim Miller(Miller, 2008) Formal written works or presentations would likely also have more complex sentences or industry-specific jargon. They are directed to a more narrow audience than something meant to be read or heard by the general public, where the audience members backgrounds will be more diverse. Precision in word choice is less exacting in informal contexts than formal ones, and grammar rules are more flexible in spoken language than in formal written language. Understandable English syntax is more flexible than most. ...the odd thing about English is that no matter how much you screw sequences word up, you understood, still, like Yoda, will be. Other languages dont work that way. French? Dieu! Misplace a single le or la and an idea vaporizes into a sonic puff. English is flexible: you can jam it into a Cuisinart for an hour, remove it, and meaning will still emerge.†(Copeland, 2009) Types of Sentence Structures Types of sentences and their syntax modes include simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. Compound sentences are two simple sentences joined by a conjunction. Complex sentences have dependent clauses, and compound-complex sentences have both types included. Simple sentence: Subject-verb structure (The girl ran.)Compound sentence: Subject-verb-object-conjunction-subject-verb structure (The girl ran the marathon, and her cousin did, too.)Complex sentence: Dependent clause-subject-verb-object structure (Although they were tired after the marathon, the cousins decided to go to a celebration at the park.)Compound-complex sentence: Four clauses, dependent and independent structures (Although they werent fond of crowds, this was different, they decided, because of the common goal that had brought everyone together.) Syntax Variations and Distinctions Syntax has changed some over the development of English through the centuries. The proverb Whoever loved that loved not at first sight? indicates that English negatives could once be placed after main verbs (Aitchison, 2001). And not all people speak English in exactly the same way. Social dialects learned by people with common backgroundsâ€â€such as a social class, profession, age group, or ethnic groupâ€â€also may influence the speakers syntax. Think of the differences between teenagers slang and more fluid word order and grammar vs. research scientists technical vocabulary and manner of speaking to each other. Social dialects are also called social varieties. Beyond Syntax Following proper syntax doesnt guarantee that a sentence will have meaning, though. Linguist Noam Chomsky created the sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously, which is syntactically and grammatically correct because it has the words in the correct order and verbs that agree with subjects, but its still nonsense. With it, Chomsky showed that rules governing syntax are distinct from meanings that words convey. The distinction between grammar and syntax has been somewhat disrupted by recent research in lexicogrammar, which takes the words into account in grammar rules: For example, some verbs (transitive ones, that perform an action on something) always take direct objects. A transitive (action) verb example: She removed the index card from the old recipe box. The verb is removed and the object is index card. Another example includes a transitive phrasal verb: Please look over my report before I turn it in. Look over is the phrasal verb and report is the direct object. To be a complete thought, you need to include whats being looked over. Thus, it has to have a direct object. Resources and Further Reading Aitchison, Jean. Language Change: Progress or Decay? Cambridge University, 2001.Burgess, Alan. Enderby Outside. Heinemann, 1968.Chomsky, Noam. The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory. University of Chicago, 1985.Copeland, Douglas. Generation A: A Novel. Scribner, 2009.Miller, Jim. An Introduction to English Syntax. Edinburgh University, 2008.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mass School Shootings in America Essay - 1334 Words
American schools became dangerous places at the end of the twentieth century. Children as young as twelve and thirteen came to school not to study but to shoot as many people as possible. Even as these students transformed schools into war zones, teachers and other students did what they could to restore order and to save lives. In doing so, they became unlikely heroes on America’s latest battlefield. Although violence in schools is nothing new, multiple shootings are. According to the 1999 Annual Report on School Violence, the number of such shootings increased from one in 1994-95 to five in 1997-98. Tragically, the epidemic of violence continued, and in December 1999, one television newscast called a shooting in Oklahoma the ninth†¦show more content†¦One such case occurred in Moses Lake, Washington, in February 1996 when Barry Loukaitis killed a â€Å"popular boy who had teased him†(Egan). But he also killed another student and a teacher. Asked why he shot the other two, Loukaikis was not able to give any reason. He said mysteriously, â€Å"I don’t know. I guess reflex took over†(Egan). If revenge is sometimes a motive, it is clearly not the only one. Failed romantic relationships also seem to motivate some shootings, although most romances seem too casual to explain this level of violence. According to some experts, teenagersâ€â€especially those who come from â€Å"fractured†familiesâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"depend more on each other than [on] their parents†(Lore A1). As a result, they may feel the sting of rejection more deeply than they would otherwise. This emotional pain may lead to violence. One such case may have occurred in Jonesboro, Arkansas. Mitchell Johnson listed the names of a teacher and four girls whom he planned to kill, including his ex-girlfriend (Bragg, â€Å"Jonesboro Dazed†). A student in Pearl, Mississippi killed his mother with a butcher knife and shot nine students. Two died, and one of them was a former girlfriend (Helmore). Sometimes, immaturity or mental illness played an undeniable role. Such was certainly the case at an alternative school in DeKalb County, Georgia, where a student gunned down Horace Pierpont (â€Å"Bucky†) Morgan. Morganâ€â€who taught reading, poetry, and creativeShow MoreRelatedMass School Shootings in America Essay896 Words  | 4 Pagesmany school shootings occurring nationwide. It is not unusual to hear about these shootings on television or on the radio. This issue has greatly impacted the lives of young people. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;If you turn on you television and look at the destruction caused from a flood or an earthquake, you may think, quot;oh, another one.quot; Although it may shock you to see the pain and suffering of the victims, it is going to happen. Is that the way we have to look at school shootings? 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Lady Macbeths Ambition Leads to Her Destruction in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay Example For Students
Lady Macbeths Ambition Leads to Her Destruction in Shakespeares Macbeth Essay Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lady Macbeth is one of the perfect examples of the total corruption power and ambition can cause. She starts out confident, sure of her ambition and how to gain it. She believed that by becoming a man, becoming what she thought was a creature who would stop at nothing to attain power and its privileges, she could gain what she needed without being impeded by emotions such as remorse, or pity. She calls upon the witches to give her these things and so creates an interesting relationship with them despite never actually meeting them. Finally, however, Lady Macbeth appears not to be able to hold her cool and collected self together. She begins sleep-walking and it is here that we see her fear truly appear. She becomes corrupted not only in body and soul, but fully in the mind as well. Lady Macbeth from the very beginning talks about how she wishes to be a man: And fill me from the crown to the toe top full Of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood. Stop up th access and passage to remorse . . . (1.5.49-51) She seems to believe that manhood is the ability to perform acts of â€Å"direst cruelty†without remorse. Throughout the play we see that she worries her husband will not be man enough to do what she and him deem necessary to attain the throne. â€Å"Yet do I fear thy nature; / It is too full o th milk of human kindness . . .†She says. Constantly we see her telling her husband to â€Å"man up†to stop feeling remorse or guilt or fear and to start behaving like she believes a man should; like a being with no guilt or remorse. However, it is this wish for her to lose all â€Å"passage to remorse†that eventuates in her death her corruption from the madness that comes upon her i. .etimes the knowledge can drive you insane, as we see in the case of Lord and Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth turns into a woman filled with evil and no escape. She eventually dies from the pain of it. Lady Macbeth and her husbands downward spiral towards dark destruction is one the most famous of all time. We watch with pleasure as their horrible actions lead to their ultimate destruction. Lady Macbeth makes the choice to, as one source put it, lose her womanly virtues and become what she thinks is a man. It is this choice that leads to her unknowingly helping the witches in their desire to destroy Macbeth and ultimately her as well. She changes from a woman sure of these decisions to woman riddled with fear, corrupted in all possible manner – mind body and soul. Her ambition and power lead to her destruction. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.
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